
Can cats cry: how to recognize if an animal is sad

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Despite the popular meme, cats do not express their sadness with tears

Even though there are many internet memes featuring crying cats, these animals cannot cry in the human sense. When a cat's eyes tear up, it is a reason to see a veterinarian, not a sign of the animal being sad. However, this doesn't mean that cats are never sad. So how can you recognize if your pet is in a bad mood for some reason?

According to IFL Science, only humans can cry tears of emotional or physical pain. No other biological species has this capability. The exact reason for the evolution of this mechanism is still not clear. Some researchers suggest that it evolved to transmit signals about our emotional state to a broader social group.

What do cat tears mean?

Cats, on the other hand, have tear ducts similar to ours, but they are primarily used to lubricate and protect their eyes. If your cat's eyes are tearing, it means they are irritated for some reason, possibly due to a foreign object, trauma, or infection. Other symptoms may include wetness and hair loss around the eyes or tears accumulating and "crusting" in the corners. This symptom should not be ignored, and you should take your cat to the vet.

How can you tell if your cat is sad?

Cats express sadness differently. Instead of shedding tears, they often make frequent vocalizations. Adult cats usually don't meow at each other very often; they use sounds to communicate with humans more frequently. They have even developed a meow pitch that resembles a baby's cry to get our attention.

So, if a cat is meowing excessively, it's trying to convey something. Most of the time, it might be hunger, but it can also indicate the need for attention or help.

If a cat meows loudly and continuously, it could be a sign of pain or discomfort, possibly indicating severe anxiety. In older cats, such behavior may be a sign of cognitive dysfunction syndrome, a type of feline dementia.

Since we are familiar with our pets' typical behavior, experts recommend paying attention to even the slightest changes as they can signal that something is amiss with the animal. In such cases, it's best to consult a veterinarian promptly.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to determine the mood of a cat by the position of its tail.

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