
All the neighbors will be jealous: What to feed peonies in May for a lush blooming

Yulia PoteriankoLife
All the neighbors will be jealous: What to feed peonies in May for a lush blooming

Early May is the time when peonies begin to bloom. And the moment when the buds appear on the bushes is the best time to feed them before they bloom so that the flowers will be more lush and will last longer.

OBOZREVATEL tells how to do it best. To fertilize flowers, you will need any mineral or organic fertilizer containing potassium.

This substance helps the buds to develop well. And from such buds then grow large and bright flowers. A lot of potassium contains, for example, wood ash.

To prepare a liquid fertilizer for peonies on its basis, you need to take 1 liter of dry ash, pour 10 liters of warm water and mix well. The mixture should be allowed to infuse for 2-3 days, stirring the liquid from time to time. When the process is completed, the liquid fertilizer must be strained and diluted with 20 liters of water.

Under each peony bush, about 10 liters of this fertilizer will need to be poured. Therefore, the amount of ash is calculated according to the number of plants growing on your plot.

Previously OBOZREVATEL told us how to return the strength and brightness of garden petunias with fertilizers.

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