
Ages and emphasizes wrinkles: the makeup artist named the main mistake in applying eye shadow

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Makeup artist Paulina Briscoe advises older women to give preference to neutral eye makeup

Depending on the color you choose, eyeshadow can complete your makeup or become its main accent. But many women apply this cosmetic incorrectly, thus adding age to themselves.

Makeup artist Pauline Briscoe, who has worked with top glossy magazines and many stars for more than 20 years, explained to Express how to avoid the main mistakes when using eyeshadow.

According to her, regardless of age, the best colors for eye makeup are neutral black, white, brown, and gray. These are natural colors that help to highlight the eyes without drawing too much attention to them.

At the same time, Briscoe recommended palettes that contain both matte and shimmering shadows. That is, she noted, older women don't have to worry about shiny makeup shades. They should only be wary of bright colors.

Also, with age, the makeup artist advised to gradually abandon black shadows, because they can visually reduce the eyes, and instead give preference to warm and soft pastel shades. They will make mature skin look younger and fresher.

Briscoe also named three products that should be in the makeup bag of every woman over 50. In her opinion, these should be a moisturizing foundation, a tinted lip balm, and a lip gloss - products that simultaneously help create light daytime makeup and take care of the skin.

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