
Father comes up with a witty way to make a child smile brightly when posing for a photo

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The father showed how his son looked before and after the life hack. Source: Adam Perry/Twitter

Probably everyone has a childhood photo in their personal photo album with a strange expression on their face or even in tears, taken at the moment of the greatest reluctance to pose. Such pictures look especially heartbreaking when taken on the day school starts.

According to The Independent, children's writer Adam Perry has come up with a witty way to remedy this situation. He showed the results on his Twitter. Perry posted two photos of his son taken on the first day of school. In the first one, the boy looks a bit creepy because of his very strained smile and tense posture, but in the second one, he looks absolutely happy and smiles sincerely. "My son when I tell him to smile and when I shout 'poop'," the man wrote in the post.

The post garnered almost 300,000 likes and more than 13,000 retweets. Journalists noticed it and asked Perry about his method. The man replied that he practices this method to make his son smile all the time and plans to do so as long as the life hack works.

In another interview, Perry described his son as a shy boy but noted his good sense of humor. He shared that he always takes pictures of his son on the first day of school, but this time he was in a bit of a hurry and couldn't take a bunch of shots to choose the best one, so he had to use this method to make the child laugh.

"My son always has the funniest smile when he tries his best. Somehow I realized that if I just shout 'poop' and take a quick photo, it always works much better. This time, the comparison was quite dramatic, so I decided to share it," the writer said about his viral post. He added that he did not expect people to like it so much. But then he realized how close he was to many parents. Now Perry receives a lot of messages from grateful followers who use his trick on their own children and take great photos.

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