
Withstand the harshest conditions: three garden flowers that last for years to come

Yulia PoteriankoLife

Taking care of a garden can be a very enjoyable task, but it still takes time. Plants need to be given enough attention to make them feel good and grow lush and beautiful, which is a resource that not everyone has enough of. While the desire to admire greenery has almost everyone. In this case, experts advise to choose hardy species that will feel good without careful care.

The Express asked the experts of the Royal Horticultural Society for advice on this matter. And they named three flowers that can be planted once and have no trouble with them for several years. These species can withstand even the harshest of winters and easily recover in spring.


There are different types of rudbeckia - annuals, biennials and perennials. If you choose from the latter varieties, you will enjoy blooming from July to October for several years. At the same time, you will not have to make great efforts to care for them. Rudbeckia grow well in full sun and partial shade. They also attract bees and butterflies.

Lily of the valley

These flowers welcome the arrival of spring with snow-white inflorescences, when little else in the garden has had time to bloom. They have a characteristic pleasant fragrance and spectacular leaves. At the same time, the flower is completely undemanding to the type of soil, well tolerates both cold winters and dry summers, feels best in the shade and is very resistant to pests. Grow lily of the valley can be grown both simply in the flowerbed and in containers. The second method will even help to contain its spread, because the plant itself is quite invasive. Even a gardener without experience can perfectly cope with lilies of the valley.

Fernleaf yarrow

This flower is poetically called the "golden disk". It has a sturdy upright stem and a flat horizontal head with many tiny bright yellow flowers gathered in a round inflorescence. It is best to plant yarrow in sunny areas, making sure that the soil in which the flower will grow is well-drained. In this case, it can grow up to a meter high.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL told about two flowers, which can live in the garden without serious updating up to 50 years.

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