
Why you shouldn't sleep opposite a mirror: the essence of an old superstition

Maria ShevchukLife
The mirror can unexpectedly absorb the soul of the one reflected in it

A mirror in the bedroom is almost obligatory furniture. However, no matter how small the room is, it should not be positioned so that it reflects the bed. However, not everyone knows why you shouldn't sleep in front of a mirror.

OBOZREVATEL inquired about the essence of the superstition. And tells you how such a location can be dangerous.

For its ability to reflect objects and show the world as if inverted, a mirror has long been considered a mystical object, a portal to another world, a conductor of spirits. And these spirits are not always friendly. At the same time, the state of sleep is called "little death". It is believed that at this time the soul can leave the body for a while and wander. It is at this moment that demons from the mirror can steal this soul, and the person will not wake up.

Also, the mirror opposite the bed portends eternal loneliness for people without a partner. It is said that if you reflect in it while sleeping, you double yourself, so you don't need a partner. Spouses who sleep in this way can expect quarrels and conflicts.

Therefore, superstition experts recommend placing a mirror behind the headboard or at a height where it does not reflect in the bed. You can turn the mirror so that it does not look at the bed, or cover it with something like a screen.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you why you shouldn't look in the mirror before going to bed.

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