
Why you should not wash the floor after guests: the essence of the omen, of which few people know


Sometimes guests are welcomed and long-awaited, and sometimes such that after they want to immediately grab a mop and immediately clean the whole house. However, folk omens do not advise to do so - cleaning floors after guests can bring bad luck.

OBOZREVATEL investigated the nature of the omen. After all, it originated a very long time ago and is very stable.

Esotericists say that cleaning and throwing away trash energetically "erases" the guest from the room, destroys the memory of him. If you do this while the person has not yet reached his home, you can break the connection with him, and then trouble can happen to him. Therefore, whoever visited your home, it is better to wait until the guest reaches his destination.

Separately omens say how long you should not wash the floor after different guests. For example, after relatives, it is better not to touch their energy for 3 days. If the family was visited by matchmakers, then it is forbidden to conduct wet cleaning, because it can disrupt the planned wedding. It is better also to wait for three days.

But after unpleasant visitors, you can not wait long. Give people time to travel and take over to clean up. This will really wash away the negative energy after their visit and help to clean your home on a subtle level.

Previously OBOZREVATEL explained why you should not put empty bottles on the table.

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