
What to feed grapes: the berries will be bigger and sweeter

Alina MilsentLife

It takes a lot of effort to get a juicy and generous harvest of grapes. It is a capricious culture, which does not always take root in beds and requires proper fertilization. Choose only varieties that are acclimatized to your region. It is better not to combine several varieties of grapes in one bed - high-growing species will shade and depress the low-growing ones.

Grapes are prone to numerous diseases, poorly tolerate the rainy season and drought, and also require timely pruning of branches. How to nourish grapes to make them sweet and how to increase the yields - read in the article OBOZREVATEL.

How to grow grapes

Seedlings are the easiest and most popular way. You need to choose a strong looking bush with a well-developed root system. Plant grapes in the fall, when the temperature drops to +8-+10 ° C.

There are varieties that do not accrue well with seedlings, so they are bred with the help of grafts.

Also sometimes use the container method. Seedlings are grown at home in a special container or pots. It is important before planting seedlings to treat the soil with a high temperature, to remove all pathogenic microbes and spores.

Basic rules of growing grapes

  1. It is necessary to establish a solid foundation on which the vine will form, hold and grow.
  2. Weeds must be pulled out regularly, otherwise a quality harvest can be forgotten.
  3. Periodically, grapes are cultivated with special agents against parasites and pathogenic spores.
  4. Every autumn, it is obligatory to cut the vine.
  5. If the region has harsh winters, it is better to cover the roots and vines to protect them from severe frosts.

When and what to fertilize grapes

It is important not to miss the right time to apply fertilizer. The treatment should be started after the appearance of ovaries.

Mineral fertilization will be effective. In a large container pour 10 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska. Stir thoroughly until the fertilizer is completely dissolved. After that, just spray the vine bushes.

Fertilizing is very simple, but rich in useful elements. The fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are indispensable for growing a quality and generous harvest. Experienced gardeners say the fruit will be bigger, juicier and sweeter than usual.

There are other ways to feed grapes. You can, for example, use a mixture of superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, organics and wood ash. Read more about these fertilizers in the article.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL told about popular fertilizers that can actually harm plants.

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