
What plants in the garden should not be harvested for seeds: few people know

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Pumpkin species are not suitable for collecting seeds for planting

Every year, gardeners have to buy different seeds to grow crops on their plots. And inexperienced people wonder if it's not easier to collect seeds from mature plants to save money next season.

Indeed, with some species, you can do just that. But not with all of them. OBOZREVATEL figured out which crops should not be harvested and why.

Plants pollinated by bees

Those species that are pollinated by bees or other insects are not suitable for collecting seeds. After all, they can fertilize a plant from another variety and create a hybrid with undesirable properties. To prevent this from happening, the crop should be isolated from related species by about a kilometer. This is not possible at a summer cottage, in particular because of the proximity of neighboring gardens. Therefore, to maintain the purity of the variety, it is better to buy seeds of such vegetables.

Plants that cross-pollinate with each other

This type of reproduction is particularly common in gourds, such as watermelons, melons, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, as well as radishes, radishes, onions, and corn. They can create seeds that produce crops with unpredictable properties.

Hybrid plant varieties

Such crops are labeled with the F1 index on seed packages. They are specially created to get the desired size, color, taste, resistance, etc. from them. However, in the second generation, as a rule, they split their traits and the plants acquire completely different properties, which can be very difficult to predict.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to reduce the acidity of the soil in the garden to the optimal level for growing vegetables.

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