
What not to plant near beets: plants that will spoil the harvest

Alina MilsentLife

Healthy and tasty beets are used to prepare many dishes. The content of vitamins B, C, and A, folic acid, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, organic acids, amino acids, and fiber makes beets indispensable for a balanced diet. This vegetable is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, blood, and liver purification.

In general, beets are unpretentious, and it will not be difficult to grow them in the garden. However, the wrong neighborhood can cause a poor harvest. The beets will grow frail and small and will not have a pronounced taste. Read the OBOZREVATEL article on what not to plant near beets.

Beets grow better in loose, fertile soil. Medium loamy, sandy loam, and light soils containing a lot of organic matter are ideal. This vegetable has one peculiarity—it does not grow well in an acidic environment, so the soil pH should be close to neutral.

When choosing a place to plant beets, you need to make sure that there are no crops nearby that can shade them, blocking sunlight. In addition, the root systems of plants should be located at different levels.

You can grow beets next to dill, radishes, onions, and garlic. Beets are often planted around the perimeter along the beds with carrots—this will make it easier to thin out the sprouts.

Good neighbors for beets are:

  • potatoes
  • beans
  • tomatoes
  • radish
  • cabbage.

And marigolds can even protect beets from pests.

Beets are often planted next to potatoes, placing them along the edges of the row spacing. It's important to remember that cucumbers can create shade and hinder the growth of beets. In general, such a neighborhood will not be beneficial if you separate the two crops with a vertical trellis.

There are basic principles of alternating garden crops that should be taken into account when arranging a garden bed.

  1. Plants should not be susceptible to the same diseases and pests.
  2. Crops that go deep into the soil and have developed roots should be planted after plants with a superficial root system.
  3. Plants that require a lot of fertilizers, fertilizing and instantly respond to changes in soil composition are planted before less demanding crops.

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