
What not to give away for free to avoid causing disaster: five forbidden things

Alina MilsentLife

Superstitious people believe that some second-hand items should not be given to other people, even if the jewelry and clothes are in excellent condition after being worn. It has long been said that in this way you can bring misfortune both to yourself and to the person to whom you give something.

It is also believed that to get rid of the negative influence, you can wash or wash the gifted item in saline. OBOZREVATEL figured out what not to give away for free.

Clothing and shoes

It is said that things are filled with the energy of the person who wears them. Therefore, by giving someone your clothes or shoes, you can "pass on" your happiness and well-being.

Those who believe in superstition try not to give clothes and shoes as gifts, as it is not known whether a person will pass on illness, misfortune and unhappiness at the energy level.

Jewelry and costume jewelry

It is believed to be dangerous to give away your jewelry or costume jewelry because it is filled with the energy of the owner. People used to warn that by giving someone your jewelry, you are actually giving away a part of your well-being.

Gifts of gold and silver were accepted with great care, making sure that no one had worn the jewelry before.

Watches and towels

It's better not to give or accept watches as a gift because according to ancient beliefs, they can cause trouble and health problems. Towels and watches have long been considered symbols of quarrels and separations.


Fans of superstition say that socks should definitely not be given to a loved one. According to superstition, this is a sign of separation.

A broom

This is not a very relevant gift nowadays, but our ancestors considered a broom to be a symbol of family well-being and prosperity. They even said that a broom accumulates the energy of the house and can "sweep" happiness out of the family.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told why you can't give a candle as a gift.

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