
What is the longest surname in Ukraine: it contains almost 50 letters

Julia PeschanskayaLife

In 2019, a video was filmed in Ternopil about a man with the longest surname in Ukraine, which has almost 50 letters. By changing his data, the hero of the story wanted to show that he has freedom of choice.

His surname and first name look like this - Bronivognevladyslav-EduardoleonardoKonstantinoslav-VladymyrKlymenzhilenko-Gromynrevinhradintemenko. According to the man, the number of characters in the register is only 50, and he planned to make it 70.

The man started changing his passport data back in 2010, when he was 24 years old. So far, he has changed his documents for the fourth time.

The man explains his choice by saying that Volodymyr means being at peace with everything. The second part of his name means that the owner takes everything seriously, and thunder and hail are an attempt to resist everything.

Wikipedia helped the man create his unusual surname. He combined words, experimented with suffixes and the main parts of names.

His friends call him "Bronik" or "Bronivognevladyslav" for short. His patronymic is "Mykhailovych" and he has no plans to change it.

As of 2023, no longer surnames were recordedin Ukraine.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL published historical facts about the origin of the surnames Moskal and Hetman in Ukraine.

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