What indoor flowers will provide an incredible scent at home: smell like a luxury perfume
There are many ways to improve the scent in your home - aroma lamps and aroma diffusers, oriental incense sticks, and various fresheners. None of them will give you the same scent as a real flower. But what are the houseplants that can fill your home with a wonderful scent? In fact, there are not so few options.
OBOZREVATEL has collected the top plants that smell like luxury perfumes and even better when they bloom. The only caveat is that they can cause allergies in people who are sensitive to pollen. However, if you can tolerate flowering well, here is a list of the most fragrant flowerpots.
Yes, this incredibly fragrant herb can be grown in a pot on a windowsill. And it feels good on the sunny side. Lavender blooms in summer, and the flowers and, accordingly, the aroma, last for a long time. The downside is that this plant is toxic to cats and dogs.
Ever-flowering begonia
The name of this plant speaks for itself - with good care, it will produce fragrant flowers all year round. Moreover, it is undemanding to keeping conditions and is suitable even for beginners. Like lavender, it is better to keep animals away from it.
Citrus fruits
Any plant from the citrus family is worth keeping at home not so much for the sake of harvesting as for the delicate sweet aroma that its flowers emit. Orange blossom essence is one of the favourite ingredients of perfumers, so you can easily imagine how wonderful your room will smell during the flowering period.
Yes, this plant will require a bit of tinkering - choosing the right soil, water, temperature, and lighting for it. But as a reward, you will receive flowers of unsurpassed beauty and a wonderful aroma. Experienced orchid lovers especially recommend cymbidiums for their fresh scent and the snow-white knotted brassavola (Brassavola nodosa), which smells particularly strong and sweet.
Another common perfume scent that can be grown on your windowsill. Tuberose flowers smell very intense, so if you like delicate fragrances, look for other options. If you are ready for a strong smell in the room, provide the tuberose with direct sunlight and abundant watering, and cut off some of the flower-bearing stems during flowering - this will make the tuberose more productive and you will have a beautiful bouquet. But this beauty is dangerous for pets.
This South Asian bush blooms with proper care from the first steady spring warmth to the first autumn coolness and all the while spreads a delicate fragrance around it. Hoya majestica is usually grown at home, but it is a rather capricious plant, so it is better to have some experience before trying to grow it. It feels and looks best in hanging pots.
It is also called the indoor daffodil because of its similarity to the flowers. But by origin, it is also a bulbous plant of the amaryllis family. Eucharis blooms in November-December, and the most diligent gardeners can enjoy it in late spring. Like any member of the Amaryllis family, it is toxic to animals.
This popular garden shrub can feel quite comfortable at home. But of all the species, it is white jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) that smells the best. Its flowering period is in winter, and this plant looks best in hanging pots, from which it sends out beautiful flowering shoots.
This South American plant blooms at home all summer long with rather large flowers with a wonderful smell. Although the aroma of different types of plumeria can vary - from citrus-like to almost pink aromas. The plant loves sunlight and abundant watering, but is very dangerous for pets.
Previously OBOZREVATEL told about the most common mistakes in the cultivation of house flowers.
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