
What cats are most attached to their owner: the friendliest breeds

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Ragdoll, Burmese, and Sphynx will gladly give tenderness to their human

Don't you like cats? You just don't know how to be friends with them. That's what those who actually know how to make friends with a wonderful furry creature without encroaching on its independence say. However, some cat breeds are still a bit more prone to human contact.

The Daily Paws publication named the top 9 such breeds. It also explains where cats' affection for people comes from and how to develop it.

What makes a cat affectionate?

An animal's behavior begins to form at the age of 3 to 7 weeks. It is at this point that you can already tell which kitten will grow up to be tame and affectionate, and which will grow up to be independent and aloof. If a kitten does not meet people at an early stage, it will most likely not grow up to be very sociable. A negative childhood experience of interaction with bipeds will form an animal's distrust, which will persist in one form or another, even if it gets a loving and patient owner.

In general, several factors can affect the affectionate nature of a furry animal.

Gender of the owner

Studies show that cats prefer contact with women. This is because they prefer high and soft voices. But the sex of the animal does not matter; giant cats can be extremely gentle, and small fluffy cats can be inhuman and even aggressive.


An unneutered animal will from time to time look for love somewhere else - not in the arms of its human. A sterilized animal will not suffer from an unrealized sexual instinct, will have fewer health risks, will live longer and will give all its love to people.


Cats can react to their own pregnancy and the birth of kittens in very different ways. Some will persistently seek help and protection from their human, while others will protect the offspring with redoubled enthusiasm. Either way, if you're planning on having kittens, be aware that your cat's affection level may change quite a bit.


If your cat is suddenly being very nice to you, take a look at her food bowl. You may have forgotten to feed it. Cats are natural manipulators and quickly learn that you can get more food for friendly behavior. For example, ask for a little bit from each family member.


Just like humans, cats begin to suffer from chronic diseases, such as arthritis, as they age. For such an animal, your touch can be painful. This may make the purr seem more aloof, but in reality, he loves you just as much, he just has to limit physical contact.

Which breeds are the most affectionate

Here's a list of the breeds that are most likely to show affection to humans. They are the most willing to make contact and do not show excessive aggression.


This blue-eyed creature is known for its ability to relax in the arms of humans. Ragdolls love physical contact and try to stay close to their humans. They are friendly to all family members, calm and balanced.

Maine Coon

This giant lynx-like cat is actually a little kitten at heart who needs love and attention. Maine Coons often choose one person to love the most, but they do not neglect other members of the household.

Siamese cat

Siamese cats love to be close to people all the time. So the owner of such an animal should be prepared for the fact that his personal space will be greatly reduced. These cats love to be the center of attention and are friendly even to other animals in the house.

Scottish Fold

This friendly and gentle creature, so similar to an owl because of its folded ears, will become your second shadow. Scottish Folds love to be near but do not impose themselves on people. Although they are also happy to make physical contact.

Burmese cat

Unlike most cats, Burmese cats are delighted to interact with children. To be happy, these creatures need love and attention, even if they are somewhat obsessive and sometimes physically unpleasant, like children's pranks. Representatives of the breed can also be taught to play with toys like dogs.

Persian cat

Persians have perhaps the lowest level of aggression among all domestic cats. They are calm, friendly, and balanced, although they are very shy, so they are unlikely to come out to your guests. But they will gladly give family members all their time and attention.

Burmese cat

This is a lively breed that loves active play. Burmese are happiest when people participate in these games with them. The more attention the golden-eyed animal receives, the more it returns in the form of tenderness and affection.


The peculiar appearance of bald cats may seem somewhat intimidating to some. In fact, under those folds of skin is a kind and loving heart. The Sphynx will seek warmth from its human. Not only physical but also emotional warmth.

Bombay cat

Despite their resemblance to wild panthers, Bombay cats are ideal domestic cats. They are friendly, sociable, intelligent, and affectionate. These animals adapt perfectly to their owner's lifestyle and get along well with all family members, from young to old, as well as other animals.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you about the cleanest cat breeds.

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