
What are the largest cat breeds that are suitable only for a house

Yulia PoteriankoLife

The miniature size of cats is one of the main advantages that has made them such beloved pets. But have you ever tried to hug a giant cat? The experience is hard to compare with anything else. But there is one small problem - such a creature may need a little more space than an ordinary city apartment.

Omlet magazine has compiled a list of seven of the largest cat breeds. They are best kept in a spacious apartment or allowed outdoors. Let everyone see what a huge handsome feline companion you have.


This breed was created by crossing a domestic cat with a wild serval. The result is an amazing creature with long legs and an impressive height of up to 45 cm. Savannahs can weigh up to 13 kg or even more. However, the first 1-2 generations from the moment of crossing with the serval grow exceptionally large, and then Savannahs become closer in size to their domestic relatives.

Maine Coon

The debate about whether Maine Coons are the largest among domestic cats or not continues, but the fact remains that they are huge. The weight of a male Maine Coon can exceed 12 kg, and the body length can be more than 1 meter. The breed is distinguished by a luxurious coat of thick hair and characteristic tassels on the ears.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegians are distinguished by a "triple" coat. In addition to the undercoat and fluffy coat, they have long, covering hairs along the spine on the tail. Due to this, the tail is a unique decoration of the breed. The weight of such an animal reaches 10 kg.


Of all cat breeds, this one is probably the most inclined to cuddle with humans. The breed's name translates from English as a ragdoll. This is due to a specially bred breed characteristic. If you pick up a Ragdoll, its muscle tone decreases, and it practically sprawls in your arms. However, you can't carry such a joy for long - the cat can weigh up to 9 kg.


This breed is still in the process of being created, and breeders' efforts are aimed at developing one of the largest cats. Males of the breed can reach 10-11 kg in weight. A characteristic feature of the Highlander is its curled ears. Unlike many domestic cats, they also like to swim in water.

British Shorthair

Despite their phlegmatic nature and love of lying on the couch, plush cheeks are actually one of the largest breeds of domestic cats. They can reach 8 kg of weight and even exceed this figure. This is a fairly ancient breed that has won the hearts of cat lovers with its affection.


Another relatively new breed. It was created by crossing a domestic cat with a wild reed cat. The result was an animal with a "wild" appearance and a completely "domestic" temperament. Chausies do not like to sit still and need to go for walks in the fresh air. The weight of such a cat can reach 14 kg, although cats weighing 17 kg have been recorded.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you about the most affectionate cat breeds.

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