
What all gardeners should do in the vegetable garden, garden and flower garden in March: a complete to-do list

Anna OnishchenkoLife
What needs to be done in the garden, garden and flower garden in March

In March, nature begins to gradually wake up from its winter sleep. That is why it is the best time to start seasonal work in the vegetable garden, orchard and flower garden.

This month, it is important to take a number of measures to lay the groundwork for the further development of the land. The World of Plants publication told you what you need to do in March to get a rich harvest and a picturesque view in the future.

Vegetable garden

All the work to grow strong plants that will produce a bountiful home harvest begins at home. Good and viable seedlings are the first step to success. If you haven't started sowing vegetables and flowers yet, it's time to start.

Some gardeners started growing seedlings in late February and early spring. In this case, after the second half of March, you can already dive cabbage, tomato, pepper, and some flower seedlings.

Check your seeds, tubers, and bulbous crops for damage. If anything is damaged, make a purchase.

At the end of March, you can vernalize potatoes. This measure will allow you to identify tubers that will not yield a good harvest and eliminate them.

What all gardeners should do in the vegetable garden, garden and flower garden in March: a complete to-do list

Flower garden

Wait until the weather is clear and air out all your flowers that have been covered over the winter so that they are not stressed when they are planted back into the ground.

Melting snow can lead to excessive soil moisture, which can cause bulbous and garden strawberries to rot. Therefore, it is worth breaking up the snow over them.

If the roots of perennial crops cannot be avoided, they should be replanted and mulched with peat.

Do not forget about fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. After winter, perennials and bulbs need nutrients.

Treat the area with pre-emergent herbicides, dig up the soil and apply nitrogen, mineral and organic fertilizers.

Peonies, iris, phlox and other perennials should be divided and planted in a prepared place, and the bulbs of montbretia and gladioli should be put for germination.

What all gardeners should do in the vegetable garden, garden and flower garden in March: a complete to-do list


If there is still snow in your area, you should remove it from the branches of fruit crops and around tree trunks. You can make grooves to drain melt water.

Then you need to protect the trees from the March sun. If you didn't have time to whitewash them last season, then it is extremely important to do so in early spring.

You also need to get rid of pests that have wintered on the bark. Before buds appear, treat garden trees with a concentrated aqueous urea solution.

To preserve flower buds on fruit crops, treat the crown with a lime solution. To prepare it, you will need 10 liters of water and 1 kg of lime.

Examine the trunks, crowns of fruit crops and bushes. If you find cracks, frost holes, and other damage, you should clean them up with a garden knife after the frost has passed.

If lichens are found on the trees, remove them with special tools and treat the plant with a five percent solution of vitriol before sap flow begins.

Carry out sanitary pruning. It is worth getting rid of dried or diseased branches and shoots. It does not hurt to thin out heavily thickened bushes.

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