Vitamin whose deficiency destroys sexual life has been named
Vitamins are an important part of a healthy diet. They can improve our health by strengthening the immune system and protect against Alzheimer's disease. However, their sphere of responsibility also extends to sexual life.
According to the Daily Star, doctors have found that vitamin D deficiency can negatively affect libido levels. Both in men and women.
Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin because it is produced in the skin during exposure to sunlight. But it can also be obtained from certain foods, such as egg yolks, oily fish, red meat or liver. It maintains bone strength, regulates the immune system, reduces the risk of developing diabetes, and also affects sex drive.
Men can develop erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and problems with reaching orgasm due to a lack of vitamin D. In women, a similar deficiency increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, which also has a negative impact on sex life.
If problems in the bedroom arise precisely because of a deficiency of this substance, then they can be solved quite simply with the help of a dietary supplement. In this case, not only sexual desire and satisfaction from intimacy should improve, but also your overall mood. And in men, testosterone levels should also increase.
Meanwhile, the Mayo Clinic points out that many factors affect the strength of sexual desire. Therefore, before tackling this problem, you need to find out its specific cause. People who blame their delicate problems on vitamin D deficiency are advised to undergo a simple blood test to find out whether they have this deficiency or need to continue their search.
As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, American researchers have calculated how long perfect sex should last.