
They can last for six months: how and where to store pumpkins

Alina MilsentLife
How to store pumpkins in winter

Under the right conditions, pumpkins can be kept fresh for up to six months. It is important to maintain optimal humidity and temperature levels.

However, experienced gardeners warn that not all pumpkin varieties are suitable for long-term storage. Read in the article of OBOZ.UA whether it is possible to put sliced pumpkins in the refrigerator and which varieties are better to use in cooking immediately, because they will not last long.

At what temperature to store pumpkins

Pumpkins should be placed in a cool, dark place with a temperature of +4 to +9 °C. But such conditions are not suitable for all varieties.

For long-term storage, grow medium- and late-ripening pumpkin varieties - their flesh is denser and does not lose its flavor and nutrients even after six months.

The following varieties will keep in the cellar for a long time:

  • Atlantean
  • winter fairy tale
  • ladies' finger;
  • Kherson.

What pumpkins will be stored for a long time

When choosing a pumpkin for long-term storage, pay attention to three main nuances:

  • Ripeness. The vegetable should be fully ripe, but not overripe. It is very easy to check the ripeness: just press on the skin: if it does not press in, the pumpkin is not overripe.
  • Weight. The larger the pumpkin, the denser the flesh.
  • The skin. There should be no damage or spots on the surface.

How to store pumpkins in the cellar

The cellar is considered an ideal place to store pumpkins. Experts advise placing the vegetables on dry straw or newspaper, but not too tightly. There should also be free space between the pumpkins and the wall to prevent excessive moisture.

If you store pumpkins in boxes, cover the bottom with dry moss and change the litter regularly as moisture accumulates.

Can pumpkins be stored in an apartment

Experienced gardeners say that the following places are suitable for storing pumpkins in an apartment:

  1. Pantry - the temperature there is usually slightly lower than in the apartment. The fruits should be placed loosely, with the stalks looking up.
  2. A place under the bed. If you have linoleum, then lay plywood or fiberboard, and put newspapers on top.
  3. Insulated and glazed balconies and loggias. In this case, you should use shelves lined with newspapers. On sunny days, cover the pumpkins with a thick cloth. In very cold weather, vegetables should also be wrapped up.

Can pumpkins be stored in the refrigerator

Whole small pumpkins will keep for several months in the refrigerator, but cut into pieces, they can be stored for no more than 10 days.

Pumpkins can also be frozen. Peel the vegetables, remove the skin and seeds, cut them into cubes or slices, and place them in an airtight container. Frozen pumpkin will keep for up to a year.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you how to collect and store pumpkin seeds.

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