
The perfect way to fill your home with a pleasant aroma: it only takes a few minutes

Alina MilsentLife
How to make your home smell nice

Store-bought air fresheners often don't have the desired effect. They have a pronounced chemical aroma that can even cause headaches.

Therefore, it is worth considering an effective, environmentally friendly and safe flavoring. Kobieta Interia experts advise you to try the option with popular fruits.

Homemade flavoring

A pleasant scent is the basis of a cozy atmosphere. A home air freshener will put you in a good mood and help you cope with unwanted odors, for example, from the kitchen.

Fragrances create pleasant associations and memories associated with the home. So simple and affordable ingredients will help create a cozy atmosphere. Moreover, the smell of citrus refreshes, improves mood and gives you energy.

Step-by-step instructions

Grate the lemon zest with a fine grater. Put it in a cloth bag, such as linen. You can also use a plastic bag, but don't forget to make a few holes with a needle or toothpick.

The heating season will be your ally in this matter. A wonderful aroma will spread throughout the apartment if you put a container of zest on the radiator.

Even if Christmas is long gone, you can still keep the festive atmosphere at home. Winter is usually associated with citrus fruits, so the flavoring will come in handy.

Alternatively, you can fill the bags with orange peel, cloves, lavender, or other fragrant herbs. The spicy aroma, mixed with a hint of citrus, will act as a natural air freshener and is ideal for the living room or kitchen.

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