
Scientists discover secret bunker where human experiments were conducted: what is known

Yulia PoteriankoLife

The story of Detachment 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army, which conducted brutal human tests of weapons of mass destruction during World War II, is not as well known as the atrocities of the Nazis. But it is no less impressive. Moreover, scientists are still finding more and more evidence of the unit's inhumane experiments.

According to the South China Morning Post, Chinese archaeologists have recently discovered an underground bunker where Unit 731 probably operated. It is a facility near the Chinese city of Anda.

Judging by the data found, scientists associated with the Unit's activities tested the effects of pathogenic microorganisms on live prisoners and dissected them to see their effects. The results of this work were used by the Imperial Japanese Army to spread typhus, plague and cholera in China.

The historians' findings were published in the journal Northern Cultural Relics in May. They may shed new light on the evidence of war crimes committed by the Japanese army during the Second World War. At the same time, scientists from the Heilongjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology believe that the information obtained can strengthen global efforts to prevent biological warfare.

The structure discovered by the scientists is located underground. It consists of several interconnected tunnels and chambers. The work on its study began in 2019 and was carried out using geophysical methods, drilling and excavations. The researchers have not yet visited the premises themselves. They are still studying the structure of the building.

Thus, it has already been possible to establish the existence of a U-shaped cluster of bunkers, as well as a circular room, which, according to archaeologists, was used to observe infected people exposed to pathogens and chemicals. And also for their subsequent disclosure. The site may also contain underground barracks, canteens, baths and other facilities for the soldiers of Detachment 731.

Scientists point out that their data is still preliminary. The building and its purpose require further study. In particular, it is necessary to establish how the premises are connected to each other.

Most of the above-ground buildings at the site under investigation were destroyed in 1945. The Japanese tried to hide the traces of their criminal experiments.

It is known that the Soviet military managed to arrest some of the researchers who worked for Unit 731. In December 1949, they were tried in Khabarovsk for war crimes. Meanwhile, some of the scientists who fell into the hands of the US Army received immunity in exchange for the results of their research.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL showed photos of the secret Metro 2 line near Kyiv

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