
Psychologist named 8 signs that your relationship can last a lifetime

Karina VishnyakovaLife
8 signs that your love will last

Everyone probably dreams of finding love that will last a lifetime. However, the concepts of dating and relationships have changed significantly over the past few decades. As a result, it is sometimes difficult to determine what prospects a couple has.

However, no matter how trends change, the actions and behaviors that indicate a healthy relationship remain the same. YourTango has revealed 8 signs that your love is for many years to come.

Your significant other's friends are your friends

Getting to know your friends is an important step in a relationship and usually means that people in love are taking things seriously.

Psychologist named 8 signs that your relationship can last a lifetime

You can make each other laugh

Believe me, it's not as easy as it sounds. When you can make each other laugh, it means that you understand your loved one on another level.

Psychologist named 8 signs that your relationship can last a lifetime

Constructive disagreement

This means that you can argue about things while discussing them, rather than insulting each other. When disagreements arise, the couple draws conclusions and learns from mistakes to prevent future conflict.

Psychologist named 8 signs that your relationship can last a lifetime

You can have fun together without doing anything

You don't have to leave the house to have fun. It's something very special when you can sit around with your partner doing nothing interesting and still enjoy each other's company.

Your partner motivates you to become the best version of yourself

You strive to be better because of your loved one. Your spouse is not out to find out your worst secrets or tell everyone about your shortcomings.

Psychologist named 8 signs that your relationship can last a lifetime

You are grateful to each other and show it

You make it clear that you appreciate your partner. Not only do you tell each other how much you appreciate each other, but you also show it through your actions.

Psychologist named 8 signs that your relationship can last a lifetime

Intimate moments

You like to kiss and touch each other, cuddle, or something more. It's like you're still in the honeymoon phase, even though you've been together for years.

You talk about the future

If your partner doesn't include you in future plans (for example, in future meetings and dates), they probably don't expect your relationship to last.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA talked about how to understand that a man is cheating on you: this one phrase gives liars away.

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