
Phrases you should never say to people: have hidden aggression

Alina MilsentLife
These phrases should not be used in healthy relationships

Passive-aggressive behavior not only creates problems and misunderstandings in communication with others but also negatively affects the mood and psyche of the person who tries to express anger or resentment in covert ways. Such behavior means that a person says one thing but means something else and tries to hurt the other person with "prickly" words or phrases.

Not everyone even realizes the moment when their behavior becomes passive-aggressive. By saying certain phrases, a person may believe that they are being diplomatic and tactful, but in reality, their words only create more misunderstandings. Fatherly magazine analyzed what not to say to people in order not to appear aggressive.

"I don't want to sound rude..."

This phrase compensates for a rude, sometimes cruel, but unpleasant remark from the interlocutor. This is how you absolve yourself of responsibility for what you said, and if the other person is offended, you can blink your eyes innocently: "I didn't mean it", "I didn't mean it".

"How lucky you are to get a promotion/new position, etc."

Literally: you do not consider the other person to be a professionally worthy and highly qualified specialist. You emphasize that their career growth is the result of an accident, a favorable set of circumstances, the right position of the planets, and anything but their efforts and abilities.

"If only you could do this"

Imagine: you need to clean the drain in the sewer, and your partner doesn't know how to do it. "If only you could do it, we would save money and not have to call a plumber," you hear a sad sigh.

This can be very offensive to a partner. Think about your own abilities. There are areas where you are not an expert either.

"You are too sensitive"

You should not underestimate or underestimate the emotions of another. Everyone suffers in different ways. If you see that the other person is reacting emotionally to events or phrases, don't "finish them off" by emphasizing their sensitivity.

"Do what you want."

A phrase that almost always means the opposite. The interlocutor may take this as an agreement to his actions and do it his way, which will lead to a serious conflict.

Do not end the conversation with such a phrase. If you have any suggestions and wishes, express them honestly and calmly.

"Well, if you like..."

The key here is the tone in which these words are said. In fact, this may mean dissatisfaction and rejection of the interlocutor's decision or choice.

It's better to say, "That's an interesting choice," or "It's not what I would have done, but it's your choice."

"It's not my place to talk about it"

"It's not for me to say, but you've really put on a lot of weight"

"It's not for me to say, but you left dirt on the floor again"

"It's not for me to say, but you really need to learn to choose a better partner."

"It's not for me to say, but isn't it time to think about children, given your age?"

These and other phrases in this style will definitely not improve your communication.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you what phrases are most often used by manipulators.

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