
Palm and rose bring loneliness: what indoor flowers should not be put in the bedroom

Alina MilsentLife
Ficus, palm and rose

Houseplants create a cozy atmosphere in the home and delight the eye with their bright blooms, even in the worst of winter weather. However, not all flowers are suitable for the bedroom.

Some plants should not be placed in the bedroom because of their poisonous properties, which few people know about. OBOZREVATEL found out why oleander, rose, and palm trees are not recommended for bedside and whether violets are dangerous.

What flowers are best to take out of the bedroom

Oleander, euphorbia, croton, Japanese rhodeya, dieffenbachia - these are the names of indoor plants whose sap contains poison and can cause harm if ingested. They won't harm your health if you don't touch them on purpose, but you shouldn't keep them in your bedroom. And in general, if you have children, it is better to choose other plants for growing.

It is worth noting that in the absence of daylight, plants are not capable of photosynthesis. Thus, at night, absorbing oxygen, they release carbon dioxide. This is especially dangerous for people with respiratory diseases, as it can lead to suffocation.

Folk beliefs say that unmarried girls should not put palm trees, roses, and loaches in their bedrooms.

Palm trees are believed to bring loneliness. There is even a superstition that if you give a palm tree as a gift, you doom not only yourself but also the person you are giving it to.

In fact, our great-grandmothers called the loosestrife "men-away" - it is supposed to "drive away" all men from your house.

It is not recommended to keep the rose by the bedside because of its thorns. This flower carries negative energy and provokes quarrels.

Lilies have a very pronounced aroma, so they are also on the list of undesirable flowers in the bedroom. Hydrangeas and lilies can have a bad effect on the nervous system.

Ideal flowers for the bedroom

Flowering plants such as violets, ficuses, cyclamens, and anthuriums have long been advised to be placed in the bedroom.

The violet was called the guardian of the family hearth. Ficus was believed to help conceive a child. Anthurium is also called a "man's flower" that brings happiness to girls and women in their personal lives. And cyclamen is a real flower of love. People say that if you put it by the bedside, love in a couple will blossom with renewed vigor.

You can also put a fat woman - she is believed to bring prosperity and well-being.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL talked about the main rules for transplanting indoor plants.

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