
Not only garlic: what you can plant in the garden in November

Alina MilsentLife
What to plant in the garden in November

It would seem that the gardening season is over: the harvest is in, the beds have been dug up, the soil fertilized, and the bushes pruned. In November, there is usually a period of rest, cellar arrangement, and preparation for the next season.

Some gardeners think that the most you can do in November is plant winter garlic. However, you won't be satisfied with garlic alone in spring. OBOZ.UA has compiled a list of crops that can be planted in the last month of autumn.


In late autumn, you can plant crops that can tolerate cold and prolonged frosts, such as onions.

Onions are not afraid of either rain or winter weather. However, it is important to choose the right planting time. You should stop any planting work at least 15-20 days before the onset of stable frosts.


Fragrant dill is a very hardy plant. If you want to enjoy the first salads with fresh dill in early spring, you can plant this type of herb in November. It's important to choose the right type of herb that is hardy to cold weather.


Parsley is not only healthy, but also frost-resistant. You can safely plant it in the garden even in late fall - it will withstand the winter cold. In November, parsley is planted both for growing the root and for the herb itself.


If you want to get a generous and high-quality harvest of this crop, plant it in the garden in early November. Sowing seeds in the ground is best done before winter, and planting seedlings begins in mid to late March. Usually, before sowing, a special treatment is carried out: the seeds are soaked for a day in warm water and changed as soon as it cools down.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told how to protect plants from rotting in a damp cellar.

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