
Never do this: 10 mistakes in removing stains that everyone makes

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Wash and remove stains properly and be patient

Stains on clothes and home textiles are an annoying problem that few people like to deal with. And it's all because of the mistakes that almost everyone makes when trying to remove a trace of spilled wine, food, children's crayons, or grass.

Good Housekeeping experts have compiled a list of the ten most common mistakes and explained how to fix them to get rid of stains and avoid damaging things.

Using hot or lukewarm water

The rule of thumb "the hotter the water, the better the laundry" doesn't work with stain removal. Protein stains, such as blood, milk, eggs, pet prints, etc., on the contrary, only get deeper into the fabric under the influence of temperature. Therefore, you should wash the stains with cold or warm water.


It seems logical: if you rub the stain, it will come off. In fact, this approach is much more likely to cause the stain to penetrate further. This will also damage the fabric. Therefore, you should start by gently blotting the stain with a dry or damp cloth to collect the dirt.

Too much stain remover

When it comes to stain removers, it can be tempting to think that more is better. In fact, too much product can cause stains itself and make it difficult to rinse or dry the area. It is better to use small amount of the product several times. This will work much more effectively.

Soap for fresh stains

Pigment-based stains, such as drinks or makeup marks, will only penetrate deeper under the influence of soap. It is better to start removing this type of stain by rinsing with cold water.

Salt on red wine

There is a myth that if you sprinkle salt on the place where red wine has been spilled, the stain will disappear almost by itself. In fact, salt will only fix the stain. The same goes for coffee, tea, and cola stains. So, again, start with cold water and then use a special wine stain remover.

Mixing stain removers

Unless you are a professional chemist, it is unlikely that you will be able to predict what exactly will be created if you mix different cleaning products. This can be, among other things, extremely toxic gases, such as chlorine-based ones, which can severely burn your eyes and respiratory tract. And that's if you're lucky. So mix baking soda with vinegar only. These are simple substances that will react to form an active foam with carbon dioxide. Anything else is forbidden.

Use of enzyme products for silk and wool

Enzymes break down proteins, and silk and wool are natural fabrics made from protein fibers. So you will remove the stain with an enzyme, but only together with the piece of fabric. And a hole is hardly the result you are looking for. Silk and wool require special products for both washing and stain removal. This is an axiom.

Using chlorine bleaches for silk and wool

Chlorine products are too aggressive. Wool and silk do not tolerate them. As well as many delicate synthetic fabrics. So before removing stains from such items, check the care label and take a special stain remover.

Trying to remove stains from antique fabrics

Over time, fabrics become more and more vulnerable to any kind of impact. Even if they are just lying on a shelf. So, by the time an item becomes vintage, let alone antique, its stains can already be considered part of its history. Only a specialist can be trusted to deal with them because home restoration can only cause harm.

The decision to give up

Many stains are slow to respond to treatment and will require more than one approach before they disappear forever. So don't give up. Repeat the procedure gently, but several times. Be persistent and you will most likely see the desired result.

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