
Never do it like this! Five Manicure Mistakes That Get You In Trouble

Victoria RyapolovaLife
Never do it like this! Five Manicure Mistakes That Get You In Trouble

Many girls prefer to do their own manicures. The reasons for this are various: lack of time to go to the salon, limited budget, or distrust. Mastering this "art" is not so difficult, you just need to know a few secrets that will make your hands look young and well-groomed.

OBOZREVATEL will remind you of the most common manicure mistakes that prevent you from achieving the desired result. Take note! (To see the photo, scroll to the end of the page).

1. Skip the base coat

Base coat is an extremely important step in manicure. This is how we prepare the surface of the nail for the application of polish and ensure that it does not peel off over time. Our nails contain oils that prevent the nail polish from sticking well, so the base will save ladies from embarrassment.

Never do it like this! Five Manicure Mistakes That Get You In Trouble

2. Filing your nails incorrectly

Improper filing can cause your nails to become flaky and brittle. Remember that you should move the file only in one direction, keeping it parallel to the surface to be treated. File the free edge of the nail in an "inward" motion, otherwise there is a high probability of damaging the keratin layer.

3. Cut the cuticle low

Before this procedure, first push back the cuticle with an orange stick. Then cut it off, starting from the side of the nail and moving smoothly in an arc. The scissors or nippers should be sharp so as not to tear the skin or leave burrs. If you cut the cuticle too low, you will get wounds. Do not ignore moisturizing the area, as this can cause the cuticle to dry out and tear.

Never do it like this! Five Manicure Mistakes That Get You In Trouble

4. Applying too many layers of polish

Thin layers of polish are the key to a long-lasting manicure. If you make them too thick, they will smudge, roll off, and peel off. Two coats of polish are ideal for keeping your hands looking well-groomed.

5. Do not cover the edge of the nail with a base

The fair sex often face chips. To prevent this, remember to cover the end of the nail with a gel base to "seal" the tip. However, make sure that the nail is not unnaturally thick.

Never do it like this! Five Manicure Mistakes That Get You In Trouble

As OBOZREVATEL recently wrote, there are a few secrets to making the perfect "rich girl" manicure. Hollywood nail artist Tom Bachik claims that the best shape for this coating is square. This way, your hands will look as well-groomed as possible.

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