It ruined their lives! 3 actors who went crazy on set
To get into character, famous film stars don't just read a script and rehearse in front of a mirror. Many of them have to withdraw into themselves, think a lot and even harm their health in order to portray the character believably on screen. Such exhausting emotional work often drives actors to madness.
Not all celebrities managed to survive this condition, and some of them ended up in tragic situations. OBOZREVATEL decided to tell the story of three actors whose roles on screen cost them too much (to see the photos, scroll to the bottom of the page).
Heath Ledger
More than 15 years ago, British actor Heath Ledger pleasantly surprised the audience with The Dark Knight, where he played the Joker. To this day, fans of the Batman comic book call his character the most realistic and successful, and for good reason. Before starring in the cult film, Heath Ledger spent days and nights rehearsing. To play the crazy antagonist, he was helped to some extent by his mental health problems due to insomnia and stress.
The film actor died in early 2008 from an overdose of painkillers, sleeping pills and antidepressants prescribed by his doctor.
Shelley Duvall
The star of the legendary film The Shining, Shelley Duvall, suffered from abuse on the set because she was forced to get used to the role of a frightened victim. As it turned out many years later, the director forced her to reshoot many times and did not tell her about the aggressive behaviour of her co-star. For example, the scene where the door is knocked down with an axe shocked the actress.
The convincing image in the frame cost Duvall her psychological health. After that, she had to visit a psychotherapist for a long time.
Shia Labeouf
The protagonist of the film Rage got so used to the role that he almost drove himself to death. Shia Labeouf did not bathe for several months, knocked out a tooth and even cut his face every time before shooting because he found the work of the make-up artists unconvincing.
Later, he started using drugs to get used to the role of another drug-addicted character, and could not stop this terrible habit for many years.
Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you which Hollywood stars refused to lose weight and, despite their curvaceous forms, achieved amazing success. To find out what Lizzo, actresses Aidy Bryant and Jennifer Lawrence went through, read our article.
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