
If you dream of getting married, don't do this: what folk signs forbid unmarried girls to do

Alina MilsentLife
Ancient folk signs for girls

Perhaps the most popular superstitions are related to marriage. Family happiness can sometimes be fragile and unstable, and in ancient times, remaining a virgin was considered perhaps the greatest shame, so marriage quickly gained many signs.

There was a whole list of prohibitions for an unmarried girl: she could not sit on the corner of the table or walk barefoot at home. Read the OBOZ.UA article to find out what folk signs forbid unmarried girls to do.

Superstitions about feasts

The most popular sign concerns the dinner table. During family dinners or any festive feasts, an unmarried girl is not advised to sit in the corner of the table - so they say, she will never meet her destiny. There is another version of the superstition that offsets the negative meaning: it is said that this sign is valid only if there are more than two men at the table.

Superstitions about shoes

Our ancestors used to say that a girl in the publishing industry should not walk barefoot at home. According to beliefs, this can scare away good luck in your personal life. So unmarried women are advised to wear socks or slippers at home.

Superstitions about clothes

Things worn inside out were often associated with trouble. If this happened by accident and you immediately changed your clothes, you don't have to worry about negative meanings, but you will hardly be able to avoid minor difficulties during the day. But if an unmarried girl spends the whole day wearing her clothes inside out, for example, socks or underwear, this sign does not bode well. They say that this is how a girl scares away her fate.

Superstitions about perfume

It's a rather unusual sign, but supporters of superstition say that a girl should not wear perfume that has expired. This way, they say, she "gets stuck in the ring of the past" and cannot find true happiness. Superstition is superstition, but using expired perfumes is unhealthy.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you what, according to the superstition, should not be given as a wedding gift.

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