
How to use a smartphone at work and social gatherings: etiquette rules

Alina MilsentLife
Etiquette rules for smartphone usage

Etiquette is constantly changing, supplementing and transforming to adapt to modern realities. Some rules are already considered hopelessly outdated, while other nuances related to gadgets and technologies have emerged quite recently, so few people know about them.

For example, when we use smartphones, we usually don't think about the fact that some actions may be inappropriate in terms of etiquette. We may put the gadget on the table next to the plate during a business lunch or even start responding to messages when the person sitting across from us is actively talking about something. Read the OBOZREVATEL article on how to use a smartphone at work and at home.

Rules of smartphone etiquette during business meetings

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Sometimes we don't even realize that we spend more time on our gadgets and social media than on interacting with people around us.

Excessive use of your phone at work can interfere with efficiency and productivity. You should use your gadget during breaks and never be on your phone during meetings, conferences, or negotiations.


But there are times when you need to make a personal call during a meeting. If possible, let everyone know in advance to avoid any unpleasant situations. Alternatively, you can simply apologize and leave the room for a few minutes. However, we emphasize that this applies only to urgent situations.

Telephone and restroom

According to the rules of etiquette, it is not customary to take your phone to the restroom with you. Moreover, you should not have phone conversations when you are in the restroom. This is at least rude and inconvenient for the person on the other end of the call and for those using the restroom.

Headphones and loud sound

Even if you are sitting in the company of friends, for example, at a party, and decide to pick up the phone during a pause in the conversation, mute the sound in advance.

If you live with a partner or roommates, use headphones. Home is a place where everyone can relax, so you shouldn't play games with the sound on or watch videos at full volume without headphones (except when you're watching a video together).

Phone during informal meetings

Warn the other person in advance that you are waiting for an important message or call. It's impolite to keep glancing at your smartphone during meetings or shared lunches.

If you receive an urgent message or call, apologize to the other person and only then respond.

Don't put your smartphone on the table during meals together.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to answer a phone call correctly.

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