
How to treat trees in the garden in spring: two tips that will save your plants from diseases and pests

Anna OnishchenkoLife
How and what to treat trees with in the garden in spring

With the onset of warmth, not only plants but also pathogenic flora and insects wake up. That's why one of the most important spring garden maintenance activities is to treat trees for diseases and pests.

If you do not take action in time, you can lose a significant part of the crop, and in some cases even the trees themselves. OBOZ.UA has collected information on what you can do to protect your garden.

Spring is the best time to prevent diseases and pests. Of course, the treatment is also carried out in the fall, but then it is not as effective because insects hibernate before the onset of cold weather, and pathogens are no longer active.

Treatment for pests

One of the most effective ways to protect trees from pests is to treat them with insecticides. The first preventive measure should be carried out when the air temperature is stable at +4 degrees.

For treatment, you can use, for example, a drugs based on purified fish oil, which, when it gets on the pests, interferes with their respiration and metabolism.

As a rule, the death of insects and ticks occurs within a few hours after the product enters the pest's body.

The product should be diluted with water and used according to the instructions. The working solution should be used immediately after preparation as it cannot be stored.

Treatment for diseases

Disease treatment is carried out approximately 10-14 days after pest treatment. For this purpose, Bordeaux liquid is used, which protects plants from 25 infectious diseases of a fungal and bacterial nature.

In the spring, before the growing season, 3% Bordeaux liquid is used.

During the growing season, the concentration is reduced to 1%.

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