
How to sow winter tomatoes to get an early harvest

Julia PeschanskayaLife
Winter tomatoes

The owners are used to planting only winter onions and garlic in the fall and sowing different varieties of herbs, but tomatoes raise many questions and concerns because delicate plants may not be able to withstand sudden temperature fluctuations. But don't worry about it. You can get an early harvest next season.

The main thing is to follow the tips to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of the seedling. OBOZ.UA will help you do this.

The best time to plant tomatoes in the fall is the end of October or the first half of November. It is important to choose the right period so that the temperature is low for several days. Avoid planting on the eve of a warming spell as sprouts that will not withstand the cold will appear.

Choose tomato varieties that are resistant to low temperatures, which should be indicated on the label.

Dig small holes in the garden and put a few seeds in each. Then cover everything with soil and lightly tamp it down. The soil should be about 2-3 centimeters above the seeds.

Mulch the soil to ensure that the plants can accurately survive temperature fluctuations. Use dry leaves, sawdust, hay or straw. The layer should be at least 15 centimeters high.

In the spring, the mulch should be removed so that the sun's rays can warm the soil. Check the soil from time to time to moisten it in time and wait for the fruit to appear.

Winter tomatoes are resistant to diseases and pests, and the bushes will grow strong and healthy with well-developed roots.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA published a list of plants that can be planted in the garden in November.

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