
How to sow radishes correctly: the harvest will be impressive

Yulia PoteriankoLife
How to sow radishes correctly: the harvest will be impressive

Radish is an early root crop that can produce several harvests per season. The main secret is the correct planting of the plant in the soil. It must have enough space and the soil must be nutritious enough for several "waves".

OBOZREVATEL tells how to properly plant radishes in the vegetable garden. Make several beds, planting them at 7-10 day intervals, and enjoy the fresh bitter taste and benefits of the root vegetable.


You should sow radishes in rows 1-2 cm deep with a 1-2 cm spacing between the seeds. At the same time, the distance between the rows should be 15-20 centimeters, so that the root crops have enough room to grow.

How to prepare the soil

Before you put radish seeds in the ground, the soil should be loosened so that it has good air passage. You can also apply fertilizer - organic compost or phosphorus-potassium mineral.

What conditions do you need?

Radish will germinate and develop well when the air temperature reaches +15-20 degrees. He also needs regular moisture. Water the vegetable with a small amount of water, but often - once every 1-2 days. The place where you sow the radish should be well-lit by the sun so that the vegetable will get juicier.

When you can harvest the crop

Usually, in 3-4 weeks, the radish root crop matures and can be harvested. Remove the plant together with the soil, cutting off the roots.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL told how to prepare cabbage seeds for planting to get a great harvest.

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