
How to protect your skin from frost burns: useful tips for winter

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Moisturizing and sun protection are important even in winter

Cold and windy winters are a real test for the skin. First of all, the face and hands, which are the least protected from frost by clothing, suffer. They get irritation spots, which are also called frost burns.

OBOZ.UA decided to find out how to deal with this problem. There are several ways to cure the problem and even how to prevent it. Read about these methods below.

Why do frost burns occur?

The appearance of such spots is caused by exposure to sharp and cold wind. Wind accelerates the evaporation of moisture from the skin, which leads to dehydration. The protective lipid layer also suffers. And due to dehydration and degreasing, the skin becomes more sensitive and quickly irritated.

This condition develops especially quickly in those who spend a lot of time outdoors. The fastest is among winter sports enthusiasts. They need to protect themselves especially carefully.

How to treat dry skin

The main advice here is to take all possible measures to prevent water loss from the skin. The transepidermal barrier - the upper protective layer of the skin - also needs care.

To improve the condition of weathered skin, you need to do the following

  • moisturize the skin with cream at night and use gels containing aloe vera, which quickly saturate the skin with water;
  • use a cool compress to soothe the affected areas that burn and itch;
  • choose mild skin cleansers, avoid peels and other cosmetics with a strong effect;
  • maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room where you are staying, using a humidifier or other methods;
  • add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to help maintain healthy skin.

How to prevent frostbite

To avoid the need for treatment, you can pay a little attention to preventing the development of frostbite. It consists in thoroughly protecting the skin with all possible methods.

Dress for the weather

When preparing your wardrobe for the winter season, be sure to include windproof and insulated clothing. It will help protect your skin from the harsh wind. Avoid rough clothes that irritate the body. They can make the problem worse.

Use sunscreen

Ultraviolet radiation is no less dangerous in winter than in the summer heat. And its effect on dehydrated skin can be even more destructive. So don't forget about sun protection. In winter, you can choose a lower SPF factor, but you don't have to give it up altogether.

Don't forget about lip balm

Keep your lips moisturized with a protective lip balm to prevent chapping. But be sure to cleanse your lips thoroughly before applying the balm.

Avoid dehydration

Drinking water regularly is one of the healthy habits you should develop to stay fit at any time of the year. This habit will also help protect your skin from drying in the winter.

Spend less time in the cold

Spending long periods of time outdoors in cold and windy weather accelerates drying. The longer the exposure to the cold, the higher the chance of moisture loss and skin irritation. Therefore, minimize prolonged exposure to cold and wind. If you want to spend a day skiing, skating or snowboarding, plan your vacation so that you can take breaks from time to time and go indoors to warm up.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you how to walk properly in icy conditions to avoid falling.

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