
How to grow onions on a window without soil: an affordable way

Julia PeschanskayaLife

In winter, people always want to have fresh herbs at home, so they try to grow them themselves. Green onions are the most popular because of their spicy taste, and you can enjoy them even in the cold season, because the plant is unpretentious in its care.

OBOZ.UA has found an affordable way to help you cope with this. You will need a plastic food container used in supermarkets.

Cut the container in half to form two separate containers. Pour cherry sawdust into one and humus into the other. Then plant the chives compactly and water them.

Choose a sunny and warm place to place the containers, such as a window sill. Avoid drafts and cold from the window, it is better to close all the cracks, and put the container with onions closer to the radiator.

After 21-25 days, you can cut off the first leaves of greenery, the length of the feather will reach 25-30 centimeters.

For fast onion growth, you can activate its growth points before planting. Soak the prepared fruit in warm water and cover. After the liquid has cooled, remove the onions, cut off the tops and plant them in containers. You can soak it overnight, but a few hours is enough.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA published tips to help you choose the best place to plant winter onions.

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