
How to get rid of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator: five of the most effective life hacks

Yulia PoteriankoLife
In fact, it's not that hard to remove the odor from the refrigerator

Frequent shutdowns of the refrigerator due to a power outage are not good for the smell. During long periods of power outages, the food in the fridge can spoil and start to stink.

OBOZREVATEL has collected five life hacks that will help you get rid of this problem.


Soda solution is one of the best "deodorants" for cleaning. It will also help with the refrigerator. It can be used to wipe off stains inside the refrigerator if the contamination is spotty. In this case, the odor will disappear immediately. You can also pour baking soda on a damp sponge and place it somewhere deep on one of the shelves. It will act as an odor absorber. You can also use baking soda to clean the refrigerator when you defrost it completely.

Activated carbon

Another effective odor absorber for the refrigerator can be made from ordinary activated charcoal. Take all the tablets out of the package, grind them into a powder, and pour it into a shallow bowl that you place in the refrigerator. In case you need to absorb a really strong odor, try not to open the refrigerator for three days while the charcoal "trap" for questionable odors is in place.


Oatmeal can also purify the air inside the refrigerator. Ideally, it should be poured into an aluminum bowl. There is no need to cover the bowl.


Coffee can not only absorb odors but also infuse your fridge with a pleasant smell. Grind a few coffee beans and place them in the cavity by pouring them into a shallow, flat container. The larger the surface area with coffee "flavoring", the faster it will work.

Proper washing

Sometimes all you need to do to get rid of the odor from your refrigerator is to wash it properly. In addition to the soda solution mentioned above, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio, and in the most difficult cases, ammonia. It should also be diluted in water in a 1:5 ratio. All of these products are great for removing odors. Don't forget to wash the tray where the condensation from the refrigerator drains.

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