How to fall asleep quickly: three miracle techniques
Stress and tension lead to sleep problems. It often happens that after a hard day's work, all you want to do is dream of rest and recuperation. But when you go to bed in the evening, you turn from side to side for hours - and still can't get to sleep.
Psychologist Shelby Harris calls this condition "brain fatigue". Anxiety and obsessive thoughts keep you from falling asleep. This happens every night, and the body is simply exhausted. Serious health problems begin. MBG health has revealed three miracle techniques to help you fall asleep quickly.
"Brain fatigue" occurs when we don't give our brain enough time to rest, relax, and reboot. While dealing with many pressing problems and issues, we forget how important it is to simply stop to restore clarity of thought.
Harris advises switching to something calming at least 30 minutes before bedtime. You can think about problems tomorrow. In the evening, you need to relax, watch a light comedy film, read a book, or just meditate. You can take a scented bath or a warm shower. The psychologist also recommends using one of the three miracle techniques.
Technique 1. To-do list
Think about what you need to do tomorrow. But you need to focus on pleasant everyday chores. Write a list of the food you will buy in the supermarket tomorrow. Plan your day. Imagine how you will spend the weekend. According to a psychologist, this way you "collect all your worries and tasks in one place". Systematisation will help you calm down.
Technique 2. Personal diary
Try keeping a personal diary at the end of each day. Write down your thoughts, events, and plans. You can also keep a gratitude diary, recalling pleasant and positive moments that happened during the day.
Technique 3. Separating from anxiety
Harris suggests starting "anxiety minutes". For example, set aside 20 minutes every day during which you can give free rein to your anxious thoughts and worry, stress, and panic enough.
"It may sound strange, but allow yourself to spend those 20 minutes just worrying," Harris said. This technique is suitable for anxious people who like negative visualisation and always imagine that something bad will happen. This way, you will have a structured time - 20 minutes for anxiety, and try to live the rest of the day without panic.
Previously OBOZREVATEL told about five foods that prevent you from sleeping well if you eat them at night.
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