
How to choose the perfect color for hair coloring. 6 life hacks that work for sure

Natalia SavchenkoLife
When coloring, it is important to pay attention to eye color and skin tone. Source: Freepik

Choosing a hair color is primarily an individual decision. Therefore, it is important to choose a shade that makes you feel confident and comfortable. But there are a number of factors that you should still pay attention to.

Hair care specialist Maryna Vasylenko gave six simple and effective recommendations for women before choosing a color for dyeing. In an exclusive commentary for OBOZ.UA, she explained why eye shade and skin tone play an important role in this process.

How to choose the perfect color for hair coloring. 6 life hacks that work for sure

1. First, you need to determine the temperature of your color type

People are divided into warm and cold color types. If you have a warm color type (yellowish or olive skin, blue or green eyes), choose warm hair shades (copper, golden). For a cold color type (very light or pinkish skin, blue or gray eyes), cold shades (ash, platinum) are recommended.

2. Consider your natural hair color

Choose shades that match your natural hair color to make your look more natural and harmonious. Maintain a balance between hair, eye and skin color.

3. Study the color palette of your wardrobe

If you have favorite colors in your wardrobe, choose hair shades that harmonize with your clothes. Depending on the season, you can experiment with warm or cool shades to match the atmosphere of each season.

4. Pay attention to the light

Consider how light affects the perception of color. The intensity of natural and artificial light can affect the visual perception of hair color.

5. Experiment over time

Skin and eye color can change over the course of your life. Update your look regularly to reflect these changes.

6. Consult a professional

Contact a professional hairdresser or stylist for advice and to choose the best hair color.

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