
Cats of what color bring happiness to the house: the most successful color is named

Cats of what color bring happiness to the house: the most successful color is named

Strictly speaking, a cat of any color can bring happiness to a home. After all, any furry pet is a real source of fun and joy for all household members. But people have certain signs that attribute special properties to cats of a certain color.

OBOZREVATEL studied these signs associated with cats. And tells you what color purrs are considered real magnets for good luck and wealth.

Red cat

The red-colored animal is associated with gold. Thus, according to beliefs that exist in many cultures, it is able to bring prosperity. Also, red cats are helpers for those who want to make a career or build a business, get a promotion at work, or open a new source of income. Cats with red coats are also credited with the ability to keep their owners from excessive and unnecessary spending, increase concentration, increase responsibility, and help with learning.

Black cat

Despite their notoriety and alleged connection with evil spirits, many cultures consider black cats to be family talismans. It is believed that they can actually see evil spirits and keep them out of the house. Therefore, the presence of a black cat in a home brings good luck to its inhabitants in all spheres of life. The dark-colored animal can also cleanse the soul of its owners of negative emotions and keep out any evil eye. If a black cat comes into your home by itself, it is considered great luck. Such a guest should be properly greeted. A black animal that lives permanently in the house effectively protects it from guests with bad intentions and evil thoughts.

White or gray cat

Cats in light coats are the best helpers in personal life and any human relationship. They are recommended for families where quarrels or conflicts often arise. A white or gray cat will relieve tension and help people compromise more often. Such a pet can also strengthen the bond between households and deepen mutual love. It is also a good choice for those who are in search of their happiness. Singles are advised to invite their love interest home and let him or her play with a white or gray cat. This should open the person's heart and help to attach them to you.

The tricolor cat

According to Japanese tradition, turtle-colored cats are a powerful magnet for all kinds of good fortune. They bring great luck and prosperity, protect from all evil and provide a sense of happiness. Japanese sailors believed that mike-neko (the Japanese name for purrs with three coats) could drive away evil spirits from a ship, so they bought them for huge sums of money. In the United States, such creatures are called "money cats" and are associated with the ability to attract money. In Germany, they are called "lucky cats".

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you where domestic cats came from and how to understand what their meow means.

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