
An unusual find on Mars has stumped network users. Photo

Olena RasenkoLife
An unusual find on Mars has stumped network users. Photo

A strange object was discovered on the surface of the Red Planet, which raised a number of questions for Mars explorers. Especially noteworthy in it is the smoothness of lines.

Image with the stone unusual shape was posted on his page on the social network Twitter writer and researcher of Mars Paul Scott Anderson. He was looking through old photos of the rover Curiosity when suddenly he found an unusual object on one of them, which attracted his attention.

After he posted the photo online, his followers speculated what the object in the image actually was.

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/2/20/flnetvxuyaacqdz.jfif", "imgWidth":900, "imgHeight":802, "title": "A rock that looks like a sperm cell was found on Mars.", "sourceTxt": "NASA / Twitter / PaulHammond51", "alt":"\n\n"}

Some said it was "Martian ceramics," others saw it as something akin to a "sperm cell," a "baby rattle," and a "coronavirus."

Some recalled that there was water on Mars a long time ago, and "perhaps that is what caused the stone to look so strange."

Many paid attention to the smoothness of its lines.

It is worth noting that this stone was recorded by the Curiosity rover, which was sent to Mars back in 2012, but the frame has attracted attention to itself now when Andersen gave it publicity and drew the attention of others to the bizarre stone.

Anderson made his Twitter post on Feb. 15. Since then, there have been 70 retweets and almost half a thousand likes.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, Elon Musk told how the first settlers will live on the Red Planet and what laws they will be governed by.

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