A two-headed snake was born in the United States: what a unique creature looks like. Photo
Many pet lovers take care of pets with certain health problems and genetic abnormalities. American reptile breeder Aden Johnson made a promise to himself to take the best care of an unusual gofer snake that appeared in his nursery.
According to the Daily Star, the man was stunned when a creature with two heads hatched from a new clutch. The probability of such a snake appearing is 1:100,000. Therefore, Johnson decided to do everything to ensure a long and healthy life for the unique creature. (To see the photo, read the news to the end)
The unusual snake hatched from an abnormally large egg in July this year. Such eggs usually produce twin reptiles, but this time something went wrong during the development of the embryos, and one embryo swallowed the other. As a result, an organism with one body and two heads was born.
Nevertheless, the snake continues to grow and develop. The breeder talks about the health of his pet on social media. According to Johnson, the animal moves, and both of its heads breathe. He has placed the unusual creature in a separate cage and is doing everything he can to keep it alive, as such abnormal creatures usually die quite early.
The reptile reacts to stimuli adequately - it hisses and defends itself when it does not like something. But the animal still has some problems with movement due to its anomaly. According to the breeder, the animal's two heads cannot coordinate the way they control the body, so it often cannot curl up like other gopher snakes do.
Johnson shared with his followers on social media that, as a reptile breeder, the clutch from which the unusual snake hatched was his first. That is why he is so eager to take the best possible care of the unique creature that was born under his care. Such snakes are sold very expensive in the United States, but Aden plans to take care of the two-headed snake on his own, he claims that he fell in love with the unique reptile and is ready to do everything possible for it.
Gofer snakes belong to the family of snakes. They are non-poisonous reptiles that range in length from 80 cm to 2.8 m, depending on the species. These animals are found in North America, particularly throughout the United States. They inhabit deserts, prairies, and light coniferous forests. They also crawl onto agricultural land. They are characterized by a peculiar defense mechanism - in times of danger, they emit hisses and whistles and assume the attacking posture of a viper, but instead of biting the source of the threat, they hit the aggressor with their heads. Gofer snakes feed on rodents, rabbits, birds, and bird eggs, and sometimes enter water to hunt frogs. This type of reptile is considered easy to keep, especially if the animal was born in captivity and grew up among people. Therefore, snake lovers often choose these animals for themselves.
Earlier, OBOZ.UA told how often real genetic twins can appear in the animal world.
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