
How to cook eggs to make them the healthiest: sharing tips

Iryna MelnichenkoFood
Delicious scrambled eggs for breakfast. Source: pixabay.com

Eggs are a very useful and valuable product that experts recommend eating to everyone, but only if you are not allergic to them.

The FoodOboz editorial team shares useful tips on how to cook eggs properly to make them as healthy as possible.

Poached egg

Health experts believe that boiled eggs (without salt) are the healthiest. Boiled eggs should have a runny yolk! It is important to know that 100 g of hard-boiled eggs contain 160 kcal.

In what form are eggs the healthiest

But fried eggs are the most harmful, because they are cooked in animal fat or oil and during frying most of the vitamins and minerals are lost and they become just a source of cholesterol. Also, 100 g of fried eggs contain 200 kcal.

Chicken eggs

How to boil eggs in cold water

- soft-boiled eggs should be cooked for 2 minutes after boiling, reducing the heat.

- poached eggs should be cooked for 4 minutes after boiling.

- hard-boiled eggs should be cooked for 7 minutes after boiling, reducing the heat.

Delicious and healthy eggs

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