
What the Eurovision 2024 stars Bambie Thug looked like before they became famous. Photo

What is known about the representative of Ireland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 Bambie Thug. Source: Getty, Facebook Bambie Ray Robinson

This year's representative of Ireland at the Eurovision Song Contest, Bambie Thug (non-binary person), impressed the audience with their eccentric performance. Having made it to the grand final, they took sixth place among all the contestants. Despite not making it to the top 5, Bambie Thug gained recognition from European fans.

However, before turning into a real witch, the artists had a completely different look, writes The Mirror Ireland. Since childhood, Bambie liked to dress up as a princess and have parties with friends.

The star's real name is Bambi Ray Robinson. They were born in 1994 and grew up in Macroom, Cork, Ireland. Bambi's mother is Irish and her father is Swedish. They have three sisters.

They dreamed of being ballerinas before they broke their arm in college. However, after that, Bambi's fate was sealed, as the Robinsons decided to study music in London. It was there that they found their unique sound and style.

Bambi was diagnosed with ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In their spare time, the singers sometimes worked as animators at events for children with special needs.

The musicians told us that their mother was in charge of their upbringing, while their father worked in the workshop. When the Bambis grew up, they realized that they wanted to be in the spotlight.

"I moved to London when I was 20, and that's when I really felt like I came into my own. But learning to be confident in front of everyone else is a constant learning curve. This year, I decided to fully support myself and be my most loyal fan," the singers say.

Despite Bambi's popularity online, they have also seen many negative comments because of their image. The performers urged the public to "remember that I am human too." "I've been through so many traumas and still emerge with love after every obstacle and hard time," they said, "I've always been a phoenix, and your words and distorted views cannot hurt me.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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