
Ukrainian singer suspected of plagiarizing Madonna and Lana Del Rey videos. Video.

"Plagiarism" was found in Anna Butkevych's video

Anna Butkevych, a 38-year-old Ukrainian presenter and singer, daughter of the founder of the ATB chain of stores, surprised Ukrainians with a new video for the song "Ocean". The shots, images, angles, and even the scenery reminded the audience of two famous videos by foreign artists.

We are talking about Lana Del Rey's Blue Jeans video from 2012 and Madonna's You'll See from 1995. The Muzvar portal drew attention to this.

The Ukrainian starred in the video, which can be divided into two parts: one in color and one in black and white.

The first one was compared to the You'll See video . For example, the singer was filmed near a table with a lamp, a window, and a man smearing red lipstick. All these shots can be seen in Madonna's 1995 video.

The videos shot in the water also suspiciously resemble fragments of Lana Del Rey's work for the song Blue Jeans. The poses and movements in some shots are completely repeated.

Netizens stated that they have little faith in "coincidences" and such artistic devices as allusion or omage. Although there are often references to other works in videos that are paid homage to, Butkevych's video is not about that, according to users.

The singer and her team did not indicate whose example inspired them, so the video was dubbed "plagiarism."

The video's caption includes a comment by the music video's director, a well-known photographer Sonia Plakydiuk.

"For a long time I was hesitant to start shooting the video because it is the work of a big team and even more responsibility, but Ania sent me "Ocean" and the plot immediately came to me. Stylistically, we wanted this omage to become a favorite femme fatal of today with a retro flavor. I think we succeeded," she said.

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