
The sign language interpreter of the National Selection became a star of the network: Ukrainians are sending her to Eurovision 2024 in Malmö

Kateryna Zabotkina impressed Ukrainians with her emotional sign language interpretation of the songs of the National Selection 2024

This year, the final of the National Selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 was accompanied by sign language interpretation for the first time. Olga Bunaziv was responsible for the adaptation of the conversational studios, and Kateryna Zabotkina was in charge of translating the songs.

Eurofans were surprised and impressed by the innovation, which takes into account the issue of inclusiveness. Especially the sign language interpreter Zabotkina, whom users suggest to send to the Swedish city of Malmö.

It's all about the emotional translation of songs. Kateryna Zabotkina uses sign language to convey not only the lyrics, but also the rhythm, sounds of instruments, and most importantly, the mood.

On social media, Ukrainians could not contain their delight:

"We liked the sign language interpreter the most in this selection."

"Verka and the sign language interpreter are going to Eurovision from Ukraine... Everything is settled, thank you."

"The sign language interpreter will go, she got everyone out."

"Eurovision 2024 sign language interpreter breaks social media with her charisma".

"Just think about how uninteresting and passable all the performances are that the most discussed topic is the sign language interpreter. She is, by the way, really absolutely top-notch. No question about it."

"Another heroine of the day is the sign language interpreter. She was especially good at the Wild Dances."

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