
Putinist Prigozhin lashed out at Laima Vaikule, who said she expects Russians to repent for the war

Iosif Prigozhin lashes out at Lima Vaikula

The famous Latvian singer Laima Vaikule, who actively supports Ukraine and condemns Russian terror, said that she would not go to Russia to perform under any circumstances. However, she sees such a prospect if the Russians sincerely repent, recognize themselves as aggressors in the war and apologize for it. The Kremlin jester, Russian music producer Iosif Prigozhin, reacted to the pro-Ukrainian artist's words.

The Putinist lashed out at the singer, saying that "her time has long since passed." The odious producer's remarks were quoted by propaganda media.

Vaikule's phrase, which irritated the Z-patriot so much, was as follows, "I will never perform in Russia, I can say that with confidence. If there is an apology and repentance, everything may change."

Meanwhile, Prigozhin lashed out at the singer who does not support the terrorist and destructive war, dismissively and rudely calling her "f*cking stupid."

"Can I say it in one word? F*cking stupid," the Putinist said.

However, he did not stop at one word. Prigozhin went on to try to convince the Russian media and their readers that no one really needs Vaikule. The most absurd thing is that he advised the singer to deal with her own country and stay out of Russia, which is not her country. At the same time, the terrorist state itself has long since stopped dealing with internal affairs and has been meddling with its independent, sovereign neighbors.

"Who needs you anyway? Time has even passed, new people have come to take their places, other artists... Really? I didn't expect it. She's always been such a delicate woman, she's always avoided sharp corners, and today she's gone off the deep end. I have a question: who the hell are you to tell our country who should do what? You'd better deal with your leaders, who organized riots in 2014 against the entry of stars, the abolition of culture and the cancellation of the New Wave competition. You'd better deal with this, you'd better deal with your own, you don't need to meddle with us. Russia owes nothing because you used all the benefits of the Russian Federation, the audience, and made money," Prigozhin said.

As OBOZ.UA previously wrote, Laima Vaikule is convinced that Russia has no excuses for its aggression. The artist cannot understand why the Russians chose to kill people and all living things, bomb once peaceful cities and destroy an independent state instead of engaging in their own development. The star has no doubt that sooner or later the war will move to the territory of the Russian Federation because "both sides get bruises in the fight." Details are in the article.

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