
Palindrom called Pyvovarov's songs tasteless and a mockery of the poetry of the Executed Renaissance: the singer reacted. Video

Palindrom called Pyvovarov's songs tasteless and a mockery of the poetry of the Executed Renaissance

Ukrainian rapper Palindrom called the songs of popular artist Artem Pyvovarov, who aims to revive the old art of our people, full of tastelessness. In his opinion, the tracks created by the famous pop musician are a mockery of the poetry of the Executed Renaissance.

According to the 29-year-old performer, his colleague's idea has a certain educational purpose, but he does not consider its implementation to be successful enough. The man shared his thoughts at the Faine Misto charity festival, muzvar reports.

"There is taste and there is bad taste. It seems to me that what Pivovarov is doing is mocking the poetry of the Executed Renaissance. Although it all seems to sound branded," Palindrom noted.

The rapper said that, according to his observations, Artem Pyvovarov is an artist of the "first echelon" of Ukrainian pop music. According to him, perhaps some of the listeners will decide to find the poem that inspired the song and discover new aspects of our culture. In this case, the singer's work will indeed have some kind of native educational mission, although he has many doubts about this.

Artem Pyvovarov responded to Palindrom's opinion by leaving a short comment below the published fragment: "So what are the 'cons'? The forms of presentation may be different. The essence remains the same."

The artist also posted a reaction to his stage colleague's statement on his Instagram.

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