
Meeting their younger versions: artist shows how Hollywood stars have changed over the years

How Hollywood stars have changed over the years. Source: Instagram @ardgelinck

The Dutch artist Ard Gelink has been publishing skillfully edited photos for about 10 years. One day, the artist came up with the idea to create a series called "Then and Now", which depicts famous stars at the beginning of their careers and now.

"The ideas come out of the blue, and the celebrities I choose are often random," he told Insider. Showing off his fascinating Photoshop skills, Gelink said he spends between one and four hours editing each individual image, depending on the color, lighting, tones, and scale of each shot. But the artist skillfully combines two before-and-after comparisons, creating the illusion of a meeting between the stars and their younger selves.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Meeting their younger versions: artist shows how Hollywood stars have changed over the years

Amy Winehouse

Jennifer Aniston

Angelina Jolie

Shannen Doherty


Elton John

George Clooney

Keanu Reeves

Richard Gere

Robin Williams

Will Smith

Margot Robbie

Al Pacino

George Michael

Kate Middleton

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