
Losing it all: Hollywood celebrities who fell into poverty

Kateryna MalayEntertainment
Some stars have lost almost all of their hard-earned possessions

To be wealthy and not to deny yourself anything, it is not enough just to be able to earn good money. It does not hurt to learn how to spend it properly. In my experience, the bitter realization of losing an honestly earned talent fortune experienced more than one Hollywood celebrity.

Of course, the stars were not left on the street, but compared to what they had at the peak of his fame, the current living standards of these poor people can be called a poverty by the standards of Hollywood (to see pictures, scroll to the bottom of the page).

Burt Reynolds

He was one of Hollywood's most successful and highest-paid stars in the late 1970s. The actor had more than a hundred projects under his belt, but that didn't help him meet old age in riches. Burt Reynolds had it all, until bad investments and divorce proceedings made the star bankrupt. In 2014, he made his money by selling his stuff at auction. In 2018, the actor passed away.


Gary Busey

The actor from Texas was in demand in Hollywood for many years, but a terrible injury led to the end of his career. The star was in a car accident, where he suffered severe brain damage and began to behave unstable. Each new role and communication with his colleagues was not easy for him, and the treatment and lack of roles affected his wallet. Gary filed for bankruptcy in 2012.


Steven Seagal

The famous Putinist Seagal, as it turns out, remembered his Russian roots for a reason. The action star, for various reasons, was forced to give up roles in violent films, and in other genres he was unable to reveal himself. He had to change from a Hollywood celebrity to a sheriff's deputy, and later to become the henchman of dictator Putin, in order not to end up on the street.


Lena Headey

The star of the "Game of Thrones" series, on the shooting of which crazy money was spent, lost everything because of her divorce from her husband. All expenses fell on her shoulders, sucking out the last tens of thousands of dollars. After the court ruling, the actress was left with less than $5,000.


OBOZREVATEL recently showed actresses who have only gotten prettier over the years. To see how Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Victoria Beckham and Halle Berry looked at the beginning of their careers - follow this link.

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