
"This is a sign!" Ukrainian singer Anatoliy Matviychuk saw an "image of the Mother of God" in the sky and showed a photo

Singer Anatoliy Matviychuk saw the Mother of God in the sky

People's Artist of Ukraine Anatoliy Matviychuk went on tour as part of the intercontinental festival "Sing in your native language", the first city of which was Florida, USA. After the concert, the man decided to take a walk along the famous beaches and suddenly saw the Mother of God in the sky, which struck him deeply.

The singer wrote about his emotions on Facebook. Anatoliy decided that it was not in vain that Our Lady appeared to him, it was a sign. Thus, the walk in cold Florida brought warm impressions.

"We had time to go see the famous Florida beaches with dazzling white sand and marble waves of the Gulf of Mexico. But as soon as I got to the coast, I was literally stunned by the picture. In the sky, in the eastern part of it, I clearly saw the image of Our Lady," the artist wrote.

The photo Anatoliy posted was taken a little late when the image began to melt. The singer notes that it stayed in the sky for only a few minutes.

"While we were looking for the phone, some time passed and the picture started to melt. It was in the sky for only a minute, but everyone who was on the coast at that time began to react very strongly to what they saw, some even fell to their knees..." the artist summarized.

Anatoliy believes that it was not for nothing that Our Lady appeared in the sky at that time. In his opinion, it is a sign. It is not known whether it is for the whole of Ukraine, or for the singer personally, or just for the state. The artist only hopes that it means something good.

"I don't know what this sign says, but it's definitely a sign! Will you be able to see it? And God grant that it will be for the good..." he wrote.

In the comments, among the enthusiastic statements of the faithful, there was one skeptic who noted that this image is just a pareidolia. That is an illusion when inanimate things in the distance seem similar to familiar ones.

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