
"I didn’t see the white light or anything": Al Pacino says he experienced clinical death during the pandemic

Al Pacino experienced clinical death

The world-famous actor and The Godfather star Al Pacino has spoken about the serious health problems he experienced during the coronavirus pandemic. According to the 84-year-old celebrity, he went through clinical death.

The actor told about it in an interview with The New York Times. He emphasized that he saw nothing unusual during the incident.

"What happened was, I felt not good — unusually not good. Then I had a fever, and I was getting dehydrated and all that. So I got someone to get me a nurse to hydrate me. I was sitting there in my house, and I was gone. Like that. I didn’t have a pulse," the actor admitted.

The doctors responded very quickly to Al Pacino's deteriorating condition, so an ambulance arrived in a matter of minutes. According to the celebrity, there were six paramedics and two doctors in his room, who were dressed in special uniforms that reminded him of astronauts. The star recalls that when he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see a large number of people around him.

"I didn’t see the white light or anything. There’s nothing there. As Hamlet says, 'To be or not to be'; 'The undiscovered country from whose bourn, no traveler returns.' And he says two words: 'no more.' It was no more. You’re gone. I’d never thought about it in my life," the star said.

Al Pacino admitted that for him, as an actor, the experience had certain positive aspects, because now he knows what a person feels when they die.

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